
Friday, 20 March 2015

Analysis of Rough Cut Questionnaire Results

From the questionnaire we learnt many things and were able to make changes accordingly. This will help us reach our audience better.

This is a pie chart of the ages of the respondents of the questionnaire:

As you can see the majority of the respondents were 25+, This is outside our ideal target audience which may be a problem as the feedback may give us information of changes that may not necessarily suit our target audience. Our ideal target audience is 18-25 year olds. 30% of responses to the questionnaire were in the 18-25 year old category.  This is still a big proportion, so some useful feedback has been obtained.

This pie chart shows the proportion of people that enjoyed our film. This shows us that all of the respondents enjoyed the film, this is particularly as everyone enjoyed it even though there was a few mistakes and it wasn't targeted at the majority of the respondents.


This is the graph of the responses to the question 'Do you understand the film?'. It is pleasing that the majority understood the film, however there we a select few who didn't. We think that the confusion may be around the flashback scene and how this arises. We may need to slightly alter this scene to make it obvious that it firstly is a flashback scene and secondly why this flashback scene has been shown.

 These are some of the responses to the question 'what was bad about the film?'. There was a variety of answers. As this is only a rough cut we know that there is a few mistakes and we know that we have to correct them.

When asked what would be improved about the film we received some good, clear feedback. The most common answer was regarding the music. Before we released the final cut we had already identified the music as a weakness. The audience feedback has confirmed that we need to spend extra time improving the music of our film, by getting new music that matches the film better and syncing it to the footage show in our film.

Finally here is a selection of good things reported about our film:

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