
Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Film Radio Trailer/Spots Research

Film Radio Spots 2013 - Gravity, Pacific Rim, The Conjuring & The Great Gatsby from Angell Sound Studios on Vimeo.

Gravity: In this radio trailer you first hear the actors voices then the voice over man after saying what critics are saying 'cinematic masterpiece' and 'gloriously realised 3D.' Throughout all this there is intense music due to it being a thriller and it makes it easier to see the genre. towards the end, the voice over man then goes on the say its by Universal Studios and also the main part of the film, the 3D.

Pacific Rim: After the initial actors voices at the beginning the voice over man talks about the director as that is one of the main selling points along with Warner Bros. Also to make this film appeal to more people there was an added competition in Facebook to win tickets to see European football games.

The Conjuring: This radio trailer starts by saying this film is from the director of Saw and Insidious followed with intense music which has very sudden starts and stops trying to show the Horror genre of the film followed by church bells each time. a lot of metaphors are used such as stomach notionally tense making it sound like more of a scare fest. then at the end the age rating is said, because it is is a horror this needs to be shown as it could have been an 18, potentially narrowing the audience.

The Great Gatsby: This radio trailer uses everything it can to make the audience wider (pull factors), such as saying that it is featuring music from JayZ, Beyonce  and Lana Del Ray meaning that people that like their music may be attracted to the film another pull factor may be the main actor Leonardo DiCaprio and the director whom also made Romeo & Juliet and Moulin Rouge.

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