
Friday, 19 September 2014

A2 Media Progress Diary

Progress Diary (1st September-19th September)

Since the first week of college we have been very busy planning and completing blog work. We have completed most of the important blog work. To start all three of us came up with two ideas for a film. Once we decided to use one of James's idea all of us conducted some in depth genre research into the action thriller genre. This included some background research about the genre, history about the genre and analysing films from the genre that would be similar to ours. This was all completed by the first week. On the second week we cracked on with some more blog work completing research about our target audience, the certificate of our film and a potential distributor. This was put together into a treatment. Currently in the third week back, James is well under away writing the script and Max is creating the story boards. I am doing some research into title sequences and creating a prop list. In the next few weeks we plan to carry out a preliminary exercise to improve our filming skills further, create an online questionnaire for the public to access, as well as a video questionnaire where we will film the public answering our questions, we will also be completing more blog work.

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