
Sunday, 21 September 2014

Similar Short Film Analysis

This film could be seen as similar to the film we are looking to create. The story line of this short film follows a man who is dealing drugs, to two other men this story line isn't exactly similar to ours, but in the end there is a betrayal where the two people who the lead character give the drugs to, try to kill him, but another man appears and kills them. This is like ours because the climax of our film also involves a shootout.
The Genre of this film is the same as ours, both are Action/Thriller films, and our film will have some of the themes and features that are presented in this short film. For example we will have the same use of props as this short film does, the use of handguns will be present in our film just like the ones present in THE DEAL, as well as this our film will feature cars being used as a prop, for when our character the hitman is making his way to his climax in our film just like the characters in this short film when they are making their way to the deal. We will also be using fake blood and make up in our film just like in The Deal this gives the film better production value and is a way of making the film more realistic and believable.

The cinematography and editing used in The Deal are also features in which we aim to recreate in our own short film, as we have a very limited budget to make our film the editing must be used to create a sense of action. Fast paced and frequent edits help to create an intensity to the film and to also create a sense of speed and panic to each scene, this is present in the climax of The Deal during the shootout, whilst watching you get a sense of excitement, something which we aim to achieve when producing our own short film.

The diagetic and non-diagetic sound used in The Deal is used to the same effect as we wish to produce in our film. Firstly the non-diagetic sound in this film, or the films score, is very tense, suspense filled music, this is used to give the audience a feeling of intensity as the action builds to a climax. When the climax of the short film does come the non-diagetic sound changes, the tempo of the music increases to reflect on the action increasing on screen. This is something that we want to incorporate in our film, as the action builds up in the same way as our film progresses, I believe that this gives the film better production value. Diagetic sound is also used to good effect in The Deal, for example, the sound effects used for gun fire give the film better production value and a more realistic feel, as well as giving the audience a thrill as most of the film had been quite quiet, and then for a loud gunshot to appear the audience would feel slightly on edge, as it is a surprising factor, this is a feature that will be used in our film, as obviously we will have sound effects for our prop guns, so we will aim to make the effect as thrilling as possible for the audience.

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