
Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Target Audience

Due to our film being a certificate 15 the target audience will reflect that, the story line is quite complex and may take a bit of understanding for a younger viewer therefor, our film should be aimed at young adults to mid 30's, this group of people would easily be able to follow the story line and also apreiciate it too by having a niche outlook onto either the genre, story or outlook on the film.

Primerily the sex of people that watch this film would be men, due to the action aspect of our film, plus other films in our genre are aimed at the male audience, with an exception of some, that my feature 'eye candy' for women. For example transporter has a very action based storyline which would draw men into it, but then 'Jason Statham' is regularly shown taking his top off, which obviously for women to be attracted to the film. Even though we would want an actor like him, we certainly don't have a high enough budget to have him feature in our film. 

Like I mentioned earlier, we would also be targeting an audience that are interested in viewing other films like ours, so that straight off the bat we're giving them something they like and not trying to wean them onto something that they're not used to, this will be a big aspect to our film as, people aren't going to come to our film to see the millions of pounds that were spent on explosives, as we won't be able to deliver that, but what we can deliver is a solid story line with everything else that is expected from a Actuon/Thriller.

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