
Thursday, 18 September 2014

Similar Short Films

Vengeance Rides a Train - Episode 1 - D90 Short Film Series from Akira Wing on Vimeo.

This film could be seen as similar to the film we are looking to create. This short film follows a man who in his own words 'isn't used to being hunted'. The film follows him onto a train and here we see multiple flashbacks that show the audience that his brother has been killed by a man in a suit which we assume is the man that is hunting the man on the train. The story we have chosen does feature some similar themes. As well as being ann action thriller, like ours, it has a similar story. Ours following a man who is shown as a 'hitman' who is later killed by his target which is later discovered to be the actual 'hitman'.

This film uses non-diagetic sound very well. The sound effects use help to build tension and suspense when the action on screen is minimal. This is something that I would like to incorporate in to our film to give it better playability and production values. On effect I really liked was when the suited man answered his phone. He drew the phone out of his pocket and the sound effect used made it sound like he was drawing a sword out of its holster, this showed the violent nature of the character very well.
One other characteristic of the film that I think we should incorporate into our film is the shots used around the death of the man. The film shown a man being tracked down by the 'hitman' character then being shot. This is filmed in a very simple way using a range of good shorts and editing techniques. This allows the shots leading up to the man being shot seem realistic and dramatic, however also it allows audience to see the illusion of the character to be shot without the use of make up for blood and wounds. This is a very good technique for a film of a limited budget, like ours.

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